About Nerdlosophy

The Possibly Irrelevant Details
This blog was created on November 24, 2010.
Owned by Jerrel who goes by the name of Jay
It's purpose is to offer insight on interesting subjects, entertain you, and provide information.
It was designed using Photoshop CS5 and it is powered by Blogger.

What's in a name?

Nerd*los*o*phy noun. - The "philosophy" of a Nerd.

The name "Nerdlosophy should be relatively self-explanatory. In a nutshell, it is the teachings and beliefs on anything and everything from a nerd's point of view. Nerds are typically associated with intelligence and social-ineptness, however, once you follow this blog, you will learn that there is much more to nerds than smarts and awkwardness.

Nerd. It is not a state of mind, it's a way of life.

The Nerdboy

I'm an 18 year old senior topped with curiosity, eccentricity and creativity. I view the world as a book that I would gladly skim but never read...nor finish. I enjoy being on the computer of course, but I also have a keen interest in fashion and creative writing.

I been on the webscene for quite some time; 5 years to be exact. I've owned parts of the web as a blogger, a designer, a photographer and a resource provider. In the past, I have had exclusive rights to my own domains, but after being introduced to the world of AP classes and standardized testing, I lost time and refrained from paying for something I did not have time for.

No matter how much you socialize with me, read about me or analyze me, you will never understand me. I surprise myself every day, so if you think you know me, you're wrong.

Photos of him 

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