One Word: BORED
Ever since I could remember, my life has been composed of school...and, well yeah that's about it. I find it quite unfortunate that the most social activity I get is at school. From 8:15 to 3:05, I am interacting with people. The moment school ends, it is home, to my room and onto the internet.
I don't even want to say that the social networking that I endure online is "real" social activity. When I think social, I think being in the presence of others, communicating verbally; not so much creating back pain and headaches on the other side of a computer screen or encouraging carpal tunnel syndrome at an early age as a result of texting avidly on a cellphone.
This may be a cliche, but the world has indeed turned to cyberspace to get most things accomplished - the majority of the world, at least. I am currently sitting here typing away to kill time, trying to avoid boredom, but it's not working.
Maybe two years ago, I could say that the internet would be my cure for boredom, but quite frankly, I am tired of the internet. I am tired of facebook, I am tired of twitter, I am tired of google. Nothing about the internet is exciting anymore.
Many of you can tell me I should just "go do something," but its not that easy. I don't live near a park, the air outside my home is not "fresh," and I don't have any money. Yea, I went there - money! You need money and a means for transportation to have fun.
In the confides of my room, there is just no escape.
I'm bored. Blah.
This is coming from someone who obsessively checks Facebook when she's bored. But really though, I appreciate real interaction like you do.
As for suggestions to get out: invite your friends out to go get coffee or to eat. Go loiter at the mall. If you can't drive, have them come over to your house. There are lots of ways to get together with people!
but since i'm about to run out of time, I can't really browse, and comment properly. ;/
I didn't even read your blog. But I will soon! :D
I'll just reply.
Thank you so much. That layout bores me.. but thanks. :) It's okay, I suppose.
RIGHT? Omg, me too. I can't order my own pizza. I did once, ONLY because I was home alone. And no one else could do it. haha! :D
We're alike. lol.
How're you?
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