School Resumes Tomorrow, What Joy!

I don't know how I feel about going back to school tomorrow. These past two weeks have been filled with downtime, random social escapades and a quest for...happiness. This break was probably one of my better Christmas breaks, considering that this year I actually got something for Christmas. But you know what, this Christmas wasn't great because I actually got gifts, it was good because the rest of my family, especially the younger kids got a lot of things and it made me happy to see them happy. But enough about Christmas.

I also spent time with my friends, drama and emotions and all, I still enjoyed seeing them. It is not often that I get to see my close friends because they are all in college. I deal though.

On the bright side, there is only 5 more months of school left and then I graduate! I just hope that these short 5 months don't wind up feeling like 10 just because I want them to be over. I am going to try and stay busy and hopefully that help.

Lastly, just thought I would let you all know that January is MY MONTH! So many good things happen and I am kind of excited. I won't say too much just yet, but if you come back and visit you shall learn why I look forward to this month oh so much.

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