Ten Days Too Long
You're probably thinking, "Snow. In Georgia?" Trust me, that's exactly what I said.
I guess I should suck it up, conjure the energy and get ready. Keep in mind that as I write this blog, I am stalling. Stalling to get ready, get in uniform, and go to hell - oops! I mean and go to School. One of my favorite places on Earth. What joy! Eh.. *If you were listening to right now, me the sarcasm would be very apparent.
Any how, I guess this is the point when I should stop blogging and go and get ready.
Still stalling...
Okay, I'm done. I shall inform you guys about the happenings of today later. Today should be quite interesting and hopefully I'm able to function properly. Ciao!
I feel like O-town is a one hit wonder, or 2 hit wonder. But All of Nothing is a classic song. It will be for a long time, I hope. Thank you for someone for disagreeing with me. Everyone agreed with me, so it was nice to hear another opinion. I can see what you me. You are right, it is hard working with like 4 other people. Yea, they probably never have intentions of breaking up, yet somehow they always do.
Surprisingly there are a lot of boy/girl bands that are coming back. But they don't last as long as the only boy/girl bands in the 90's and early 2000's. They last for like 1 full length album.
Right now in the music industry, everything is sex, sex sells in 2011.
Did you ever have a website before? I remember seeing your name/writing style before. Maybe I am mistaken though.
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