Desire, I Owe You!

I know in my last blog I stated that I feel like something is wrong with me, but today, well as of yesterday, I began to feel good about where I am at in life right now. It is hard to believe that only a few years ago I was looking forward to high school and now it is just about over.

I used to wonder if I would fall off track and amount to nothing, or find something to distract me and cause me to be mediocre. Fortunately, I have continued to work hard under poor conditions and achieved several things I once doubted.

I am proud to say that I am graduating in the top 10 of my class, ranked number 6. I would have loved to be in the top 5, but considering all the things I went through these past four years, I am lucky to have been in the top 20. I just want to say to anyone out there who feels like they can't perform well during hard times that you can, you just have to want it first. I owe my success to desire.

*Tears roll down my face.*

I am happy you guys. I will be the first in my family to not only be able to call himself a "senior," but I will be graduating and going to college with a GPA over 4.0 *breathes*

There is more I want to talk about, but that is coming next blog. Stay tuned!
That's great that you're feeling better and happier :)

Congratulations on graduating at the top of your class. They don't really release statistics like that in schools like England, or at least not my school, but every so often they'll select a few 'top' pupils to go on a school trip or something.

It sounds like you did really well :)) Hard work always, always pays off. Congrats! :)  

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