Questions That I Can't Answer

Something is ailing me, but I am not sure what it is. I find myself letting out very huge sighs at the most random times and today my mom finally asked me "What is wrong with you." Her asking me that was kind of out of nowhere, but it also added to my "frustration" because my answer to her was simply, "I have no idea." Yet, I am certain that something is wrong.

What does all of this mean? Why am I feeling this way? How can I solve it? These are the questions I keep asking myself. Right now I am hoping that it is just a phase of life, especially considering that I am now a young adult of 18 years old, on the brink of transitioning between high school and college. The real world is near and my disposition is just not quite up to par, that worries me.

I also think that I am in desperate need of change. Yes, I get bored with things very easily. Everything has been pretty constant for the past couple weeks and maybe it is time to rock the axes of my physical and emotional self. Maybe I should change something about me or maybe I should go do something I have never done. I really haven't the slightest clue what I am talking about.

Maybe I just need to relax. Yeah, that's probably what it is.
At February 22, 2011 Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm guessing it's about time I paid a visit to your site. Gotta say, it's pretty interesting, mainly cuz I'm usually having the same problems.
I think you're just ready for life after highschool to start. Seems like these last few months are just gonna be tying up the necessities to transition into something new.
As for the relaxation, you'll get to that later on in life. You're young & smart. Live it up. &I've heard that its an impossible task for anyone to relax in America, everything's constantly movin' and changin'.  
I have those moments too, when I know something it wrong with me but I don't know exactly what it is. It comes and goes, but it's a very frustrating phase. And you're right, you just need change.  

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