I find the strength within...
To expend.
I fight until I win.
Yes, I sin.
I'll probably do it again.
But in the end...
I win.

Many of you were asking if I wrote this myself. Yes! I most certainly did :)
Jay!! Of course I remember you! :D And yes, I'm THAT Lubna hahahaha. How have you been? It's been such a long time since I've talked to any of my former 'affiliates' :D
I was exactly like that. I left the webdesign world for sometime because it just kind of died out, but when I started missing it SO much, I decided to come back to it and now I'm afraid of being so addicted again.
I agree, we DO need to give our readers something to miss. I thought about it too, and it seems like the most well-balanced way to own a website.
That's a very well said short poem by the way, did you come up with it? :)  
Dope poem did you write that,?  
Ahahaha, thanks :') I just love that outfit, I just can't afford it. I don't have a spare £16 to spend on a pair of brown brogues.

My desktop is very sexy, I know! ;)

Did you write the poem yourself?  

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